Monday, February 7, 2011

169 Granny Squares = Fire & Brimstone

I love crochet.  I didn't know this until about a month ago when I decided I would teach myself how.  I pulled out some books, looked at some tutorials on You Tube and got out hook and yarn.  My little knotted masses of crap started to take shape as the concept of crochet turned to reality.  I've always loved stuff made out of granny squares.  It reminds me of the 70's when I was a kid and I like to be reminded of the 70's (that's a whole different post!).  I thought I would make a rug out of granny squares.

I found some colours I like in my little stash of yarn and started making them. The first few were a bit weird but they started to come together quickly and I found myself relaxing more and more with each one.  This was the desired effect.  Fun, relaxing and productive - why can't all work be like that?

As soon as I had a few done I laid them on the floor to see how many I would need .....  

I love these colours - they do remind me of fire with the soft grey reminiscent of the ash that camp fire leaves behind.   It looked ok but then I realised something was missing.  It needed a colour to bind it all together when I joined the squares to create the finished product.  BLACK! Of course!

So I crocheted a black round on each completed square and things started to come together.  Each square measures 13cm x 13cm and I worked out I would need 169 squares for a 1.3m x 1.3m rug.  Needless to say I have a bit of work to do until I get there but winters a little way off! 

 I now have to work out how to join them and I am sure there is a handy tutorial out there in etherspace explaining the ins and outs of connecting a bunch of isolated grannies into a bright, warm community!

Happy Crocheting! x

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